《Kanako Kato Accordion Trio Concert 2019 加藤可奈子手風琴三重奏音樂會2019》+《法國手風琴音樂工作坊》
《加藤可奈子 - 手風琴三重奏音樂會2019》
Kanako Kato - Accordion Trio Concert 2019
日期 Date:22.06.2019
時間 Time:8pm
地點 Venue:西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre - Theatre
*票價 Ticket:$350, $250
Tickets available at www.urbtix.com (starting at 25/05/2019)
50% off for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 and above, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients, people with disabilities & their accompany minder. Each Purchase of 5-9 standard tickets: 10% off; 10-19 tickets: 20% off; 20-40 tickets: 30% off
大獲好評,載譽歸來 !
由日本人氣手風琴 - 加藤可奈子與結他手岡崎泰正,鈴鼓手田島隆組成的三人組合,將於6月為大家帶來耳目一新的手風琴重奏音樂!
日期 Date:23.06.2019
時間 Time:2:30 - 5:30 pm
地點 Venue:西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre - Theatre
*票價 Ticket:$700, $500 (適用於同時購買演唱會門票人士/工作坊不設其他優惠。
除法國音樂外,加藤同時亦對北歐音樂有濃厚興趣,先後推出過不少專輯,是次工作坊加藤亦會分享一些關於Nordic Music 的內容。
報名及查詢:96832469 WhatsApp/23221629
Welcome back dear Kanko Kato Trio!
In the coming June, a trio of popular Japanese accordionist - Kanako Katoand, guitar player - Okazaki Yasumasa and tambourine player Tajima Takashi, will bring you stunning and refreshing accordion performance!
Kanako started learning accordion in Japan since the age of four and has won couple national competition during her early study. After graduating from high school, she went to France for four years for further studies in accordion. During her study, Kanako won the French Accordion Champion for three times.
After returning Japan, with her excellent and unique musical expression, Kanako quickly gained the support of major music fans and was praised by the academia. Up to now, Kanako launched eight albums, including several albums with Nordic musicians. Kato's album shows her mastery of the genre, and because of the diversity in her music, she has maintained a very high popularity in the country.
This will be the second time for Kanako to perform in Hong Kong. Kanako will also hold her first workshop in Hong Kong(For details please refer to the Chinese version). Whether you are a big fan of accordion or not, this concert is absolutely a program that you can not miss in 2019!