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Cafe 852 Tango & Gypsy Jazz Concert


Cafe 852 Tango Trio 三位技藝精湛的樂手均來自歐洲,漂洋過海,在小島上帶給大家最原味道的歐陸風情。

Cafe 852更誠邀了兩位本地優秀提琴手擔任嘉賓,五位樂手併發的火花絶對能為你消一消滿腦的愁煩。

作為手風琴愛好者,我們亦邀請你購買combo套票。只須額外$30,便可同時欣賞香港手風琴樂團於23.11.2019 Music Bear Students Concert的客串演出(原價$60)。演出時間約為7:30-8:00pm,精選曲目包括ABBA及宮崎駿組曲等等。陣容鼎盛,不容錯過。

Join us on this passionate and warm night. Formed by three brilliant musicians, Cafe 852 Trio will present a tango and gypsy jazz concert on the 16th of November. Together with their guests cellist Rebecca and violinist Lai Lai Louie, the performance will give you an atmosphere that can soothe your mind and soul.

As an accordion lover, we sincerely invite you to purchase the combo ticket, which will allow you to come also the next Saturday, 23rd November. On that night, Hong Kong Accordion Ensemble will perform as guest in Music Bear Students Concert from 7:30-8:00pm. Repertoire includes ABBA medley and other hits. So don’t miss the chance!

Hong Kong Accordion Ensemble

音樂會詳情 details:

日期 Date:16.11.2019

時間 Time:7:45pm

地點 Venue:尖沙咀文化中心後台排演室CR2

CR2-Hong Kong Cultural Centre(Backstage)

票價 Price:$150/ *$180

*Include Music Bear Students Concert 門票



*Free seating

購票及查詢 Reservation and enquiry:23221629 / 96832469 (Whatsapp)

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Mon - Sat 10:00am-8:00pm

Sun 10:00am-5:00pm

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Mei Foo Sun Chuen

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        2322 1629 

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